Over the years, documentaries have become more and more popular and mainstream. In the past, it has struggled to find it’s platform, but now, documentaries are almost going through a “boom” with movies such as Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine, and Sicko, directed by controversial producer and director, Michael Moore, and the infamous Supersize Me by Morgan Spurlock hitting the big screens.
For most documentaries, it is hard for them to be established through traditional distribution systems due to the length, budget and how amateur these films can be. Now, the online world provides an easier way for the would-be filmmakers, particularly social activists.
It provides a ground for people to express their opinions, for their voices to be heard, freedom of speech. Sometimes, the online world is a little bit too free. With no laws or regulations it is difficult to know what will be posted up next. Explicit, even traumatising events may be captured and put online, and no matter how many get deleted, that many more will be added within seconds.
T.Austin and W.Jong’s Rethinking Documentary – The Online Documentary, talks about a very interesting and controversial topic – the Iraq War, and how soldiers have access to camera equipment and post what they video up online during their time there. Even more frightening, videos of live executions by the Iraqis. It would be traumatising to watch but how can this sort of stuff be monitored and deleted before anyone could see it? This is the age-long question about the internet.
The internet can be a scary place. Expect the unexpected. If would-be filmmakers are hoping to break into the business of creating a successful documentary online or through traditional distribution systems, I think, although documentaries can be controversial they need to be respectful about what they show.
“...successful documentary seen only on the internet exemplify the issues of production and distribution for such filmmakers...Dylan Avery’s ‘Loose Change’” T.Austin and W.Jong’s Rethinking Documentary – The Online Documentary.
‘Loose Change is about a large and rather improbable US government conspiracy that was responsible for the events which happened on 9/11. The film uses news footage, talking heads and an insistent, provocative voice-over inviting viewers to question the ‘official’ version of events.’ T.Austin and W.Jong’s Rethinking Documentary – The Online Documentary.
No matter what topic it is or where it is distributed, there will always be three sides to one story. Your side, the opposition. And the truth.
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