Ten years ago, the mobile phone was a seen as status symbol, only for rich and successful “yuppies”. If you look around today, I think you will see almost every Tom, Dick, and Harry holding a mobile phone. Even children as young nine has been known to own a mobile phone, “for emergencies”. I think parents give the perception that they want to ensure the safety for their children, but maybe subconsciously, or even purposely, they give their children mobile phones as a means of tracking their every move. At this point in time, I think it may be the dominant screen of the 21st century. It’s compact, it’s portable, and it’s fits in pockets and hand-bags, (and for some females, in the bra!) and it is always with you...if you want it to be “... one mobile device more than any othe ignited and ow typifies new new media in everyone’s hands and pockets: iPhone.” Paul Levinson’s New New Media.
With such convenience and benefits from the mobile phone, do we need another screen to view movies, take photos, design art and access the internet? I think it is a matter of want over need. It’s like the saying “I have nothing to wear!” when you have a wardrobe bursting out with clothes (am I right ladies?). In today’s world, we are busier, greedier, and lazier. Technology provides the opportunity to “overcome” these issues by improving or creating something that will help us in our busy, daily lives. The mobile phone is no different, and a new screen will be no different. If something is created that makes our life easier, of course it is going to be accepted.
The new age mobile phones are known as smart phones. Is this what is meant by another screen? If it combines mode of communication, function of the camera, use of the internet, and can contain memory like a hard-drive, then it would most definitely be desirable within the market. Nowadays, we all rely on so much more than our initiative and intuition. We use technology like the smart phone to get to our destination, to retain information, and to find information. What are we to do if this technology didn’t exist? Use our brains? Heaven forbid!
It seems that as technology grows, the less we interact with each other face-to-face. Young teens have been known to text or Facebook chat each other even they are in the same room. Organising events is as easy at a click of a button, unlike, ten years ago when social events and meetings had to be confirmed days before with a certain meet up point and a certain time. Now, it is simple to organise or cancel last minute.
If we define the simple life, is anything really needed? Or just wanted?
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