New screens for the 21st century has proven to evolve every few months. It seem to dominate the eLandscape for the future. Every mobile phone brand tries to outdo one-another by releasing a new, improved, more stylish phones each time. But there is one innovative company who smashes them all; Apple.
Apple has been the leader in innovative screens since the release of their first iPod. Sure, their Macbooks are popular and just as amazing, but the iPod really set them apart from any other company within this field. Can a company alone define the future of our technology?
It seems in today’s world the new screen is being dominated by this company alone. The newly released iPad is the latest in technology, and yep, you guessed it, it’s created by Apple. The iPad is smaller than a laptop or computer, but bigger than a mobile screen. The attributes of this screen allows the convenience of portability and the comfort of the light-weight carrying.
Another screen that is becoming more advanced are the 3D screens. As children we have known 3D to be on stickers, magazine, and other print materials, but more recently 3D has been ruling the big screens, not only with cartoon movies, but even with “real-life” movies such as the re-released Alice in Wonderland. But more significantly, 3D screens are being introduced into our homes. We may see our new digital TVs replaced with these 3D screens in the not-too-distant future.
But what does this mean for our future children? Today’s generation is finding it difficult to do any kind of math. We need calculators to add, subtract, times, or divide even the most simple equation. We use the convenience factor as our excuse, “it’s easier” and “it’s quicker”. But if we really had to do to it ourselves, how long will it take us? Can we do it at all? The more screens being introduced to us, the more it seems to “help” us. Soon enough, we won’t know how to do anything ourselves “Will somebody PLEASE think of the children!?” (Helen Lovejoy, The Simpsons).
With such unthinkable technology being introduced to us almost every day, it has proven that anything is impossible. The next big screen for our homes, affordable virtual reality?
There is no limit where technology can take us. We look forward o to seeing you... new screen.
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