Friday, April 23, 2010

Sexy Time...

What do you think of when you think of cyber sex? Porn? Adult online chat? Chatroulette? Have you ever thought of it as an addiction?

According to Ryan Singel’s article Internet Porn: Worse than Crack, it is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction. This is a good point cause if you think about it, the industry is not just about sex, it is about how it looks and how the people look (kind of like Hollywood). Almost certainly the most popular pornos for a good “release” involve decent looking people. Though there probably are websites with the weird, the ugly, and things (or people) that make you want to vomit but really, who gets turned on by ugly fatties? (who are probably enjoying a better life on Second Life?).

“The internet is dangerous because it removes the inefficiency in the delivery of pornography, making porn much more ubiquitous than in the days when guys in trench coats would sell nudie postcards” The internet makes a good ground for such addictions. It makes it easily accessible and you can almost view anything for free. This can be quite disturbing for parents as adult content may pop up in front of their children. Luckily for them though, there are programs and software that can filter them.

So is cyber sex as bad as it seems? Or are some people just over-reacting? They are explicit pictures where some people may seek err... pleasure from, but at least they don’t get anything else from it (like AIDS or other diseases), so I suppose, there is a silver lining to everything.

Men are stereotyped to be the ones who feed this industry, but it’s not only men, or even adolescent teens high on hormones that check out porn, it is also...women! You would rarely think of females being users of any cyber sex as their behaviour is often overlooked. Although, Women and the web: cybersex activity and implications, suggest that one of the reasons why women may welcome cyber sex is “courtship”. I guess everything is always linked back to emotions when it comes to females. Good excuse though huh?

Apparently, more than $83 billion is spent on internet sex every year! You wonder, how little sex people actually get in real life judging by that figure.

There are two options you have when you are caught watching porn; turn off your computer quickly, or pull up your pants.

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